Monday, November 1, 2010

Make Intant Money From Home, If You Can?

"The Make Money From Home, Instant Cash SolutionsTop Secret Fortunes, Never Before Seen Profits,  Stealth Wealth Underground Formulas, etc, are much more often a SCAM than not!"  And on, and on it goes with these guys.  Their colorful, ingenious, alluring, captivating, and seemingly endless supply of attention-getting names and titles for making money with no experience at all from the comfort of your home are a dime a dozen these days.

                                                   Money Literally Falling From the Sky!

Particularly if you are new to the internet, new to the make money from home wealth seekers, or have been around a little while and seeking a genuine work from home, money-making opportunity READ THIS BLOG!  If you took the time to read a Gurus AD Please Do Yourself a favor and READ THIS.  I AM SELLING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  I am not asking for your email address,  your name,  phone number, and most of all I don't want your MONEY!

The Truth is, I am very frustrated, disturbed, and very, very disappointed in the quality and continual false, hyped-up, extremely exaggerated claims made by most of the GURU's and Soothesaying wealth generating opportunities online that waste a considerable amount of your time, energy, and money (If you let them).  They usually lead to disappointment and most of all a lack of faith in your fellow-man with the false promises that are revealed after they pick, or attempt to pick your pockets clean, and run to the bank on your hopes of a better tomorrow for yourself and loved ones. 

It is time someone attempted to expose these people for what they are.  Slick little internet hustlers, many of whom have made some really good money on the internet.  Then they copy, manipulate, regurgitate, and facilitate a copy of an existing wealth generating system with a twist or they have managed to come up with enough money and contacts to create an entirely different, but the same (in the end) type of hustle that ensures continued wealth for them. 

Of course these guys would if they had the opportunity all say that it is my fault that their system didn't work,  I didn't apply myself properly, sufficiently, or follow their system correctly, or a host of other excuses, and claims that they would pile on top of me as the one responsible for the lack of wealth and success created by their marvelous cash generating fortune making wealth creator underground cash system.  Never will you ever hear one say that they are just very good at writing ad copy, and exaggerating their product/system;  that the system is garbage, but it does generate a considerable amount of wealth; For Them!  

Ad copy is the key to their success!  The product is completely almost irrelevant when it comes to success.  It's in your ability to write the ad copy just so, and capture attention long enough for the pitch.   That's the real success behind the internet and that is why almost all of the opportunities you come across resemble the other ones in appearance and wording.  Pay attention to this as you ponder and read some of them.  They all look-alike and all use the same tone, theme, type, text, etc.  Proven methods of the ad copy pitch that are used very effectively to manipulate you into a purchase.  But what are they selling and what are you buying?  The question is what type of person are you?  If it is all about the money then learn, learn, learn to write ad copy effectively regardless of how trashy what you have is and you will MAKE MONEY GUARANTEED!  That is the secret, the real secret that most will never tell you.  This is so obvious that we miss it because it is so conspicuous.  It is right in our faces and we miss it because they get us hooked on the super duper underground B.S. that they claim to have for us on the other side.  This didn't dawn on me until very recently unfortunately.

If you don't believe me open two, three, or four side-by-side and look closely at the words, the tone, the color at certain times, etc.  These sites whether the wording is exactly the same the tone is, many of the words are, and they all have very strong calls to action, telling you that you must act now, the opportunity could be gone, blah, blah. blah.  B.S.  The website isn't going anywhere and neither is the opportunity regardless of what they say on the site.  That is their money-maker you don't stop feeding a cash cow.  Save the site to your favorites and come back in month or two, it will be right there waiting for you like a trap door spider.

Now allow me to show you what you should watch out for when it comes to the super-duper turbo charged never before seen confidential top secret underground affiliate cash cow for the very elite and only a select few will get in before they close the doors forever that unleashes a flow of wealth and money equal to that of King Midas!  These ads are designed to pick your pockets! 
Usually an email will say something like "you really need to see this it is insane what this guy is doing to make money," or "see how I made over $107,102 in one month using the click bank fairy dust formula to unleash the powers of infinite wealth and prosperity.  Or you made your way to their website looking under home based business opportunities keyword phrase or the like. And the Guru has now if you spend anytime on the page and his ad copy is good. 

Always the infamous click bank earnings reports.  They aren't showing off they are only showing you what is possible with their system.  Right!  The ad should read see how I B.S.d my way into a 1,000 people's lives showing them fancy pictures of cars, and boats, and homes, and introduced them to a system designed to fail because we don't position them for success or ever reveal the real money-making secrets.  We rehash the same stuff over and over and repackage it with a great name and spend a whopping 20k for software and make a fortune hoping that you will buy into the dream we steal from you.

If you are lucky the Guru has a video so at least you don't have to read the entire 5 or 6 pages of how great they and the system are that you can have for only $37.00 if you act right now today!  Because if you don't I really am only going to allow 237 people into this and I can take this page down anytime without warning.  Think about it for only $37.00 I will teach what took me years to learn and set up for this really great product.  Then when you try to leave the teaser price gets even better because a special agent wants to give this once in a life time chance to grab this offer for $27.00 now!  Just imagine you get access to all of this (the goose that lays the Golden Egg) for only $27.00, are you kidding?

Why you would have to be a fool to pass this up buddy!  Then you no longer got done pressing the button for checkout at Click Bank and there it is the really, really great offer that you absolutely must have to make this work and have the ultimate shot at making the big bucks.  For only $97.00, and only now and only today, as you will never, ever see this offer again, you can turn the really great good system into the really, really , great, great system.  But you must act now because there are only 5 spots left and you just don't want to miss this.  So you bite!  Guru gets you again!

And lo and behold you just released the mouse button for getting this great deal and he has another.  I mean can beat this?  This guy is just too great huh?  Don't you feel super special now that you are going to get access to the super-duper really, really, really great, great, great, offer of a lifetime that is absolutely so sure-fire that he will send you to Hawaii all expenses paid if you don't make money using this very special offer that was reserved solely for you at this time.  He never ever makes this offer but for some crazy reason you get the lucky break and it only costs somewhere between $47.00 and $197.00 usually depending on your Guru.  GEE what a great bunch these guys are to let you in on all this money-making stuff.

I mean imagine, he just spent all that time on the first page telling you how GREAT his $37.00 really great system will do it all, and how nothing anywhere in the world is like this, but somehow in just a few magical moments of time it improved while you were checking out on the first offer.  So he/she in an overwhelming sense of generosity didn't want you to miss out on that earning potential has an even better offer now and dropped the price just for you from what should be $397.00 to only $97.oo, and then he does for you again!  Lord have mercy these are really nice people.  Welcome to the other side fellow, and you won't be sorry, oh no,  just wait and see what we have in store for you!

Now it is your once in a lifetime opportunity to create mass amounts of wealth and prosperity like you have never dreamed of.  Can't wait to see those earning statements like the ones that were on the first page of the ad....remember those?

One Good thing though, even if it turn out that you for some unknown reason do everything they say, spend a few more $$$$$ on other things you will need to get started as the Guru explains you can get your money back from Click Bank.  They(clickbank) will honor the 60 day guarantee to their credit.  So hey what have you got to lose?

Another thing to be particulary careful if you should happen to be lured into these is the mentor programs.  They will try to charge literally thousands by having a mentor take you by the hand but will guarantee nothing.  I cannot understand how a system so great mentored by one of their best could produce anything but favorable results as long as you do what they say.  But I assure you they profess that this is the best thing ever but can never guarantee that you will make a dime. There will probably be few make money from home ads placed on this blog via google adsense so take your time click on them and see if they at all resemble what was written in this blog.

I am diligently seeking an opportunity that really earns and really works.  When I find it, don't worry you will be the first to know...Guaranteed!

I doubt any gurus that ever come across this will take the time to reply or challenge me on their systems as they don't want me proving them wrong.  But if any do and prove me wrong I will go to great lengths to make their name and systems available so that a real opportunity will be availalbe to all who visit this blog.

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